The movie is based on the story of how Frank “Lefty” Rosenthal and Anthony “The Ant” Spilotro dominated the Las Vegas gambling scene. That is why we will reveal the real history behind the film. However, like any movie, what you see is not exactly what happened. The movie Casino hit the big screen over two decades ago and managed to capture the Las Vegas mobster culture of that time.
Sometimes movie fans are so blown away by a movie that is a work of fiction, inspired by actual events, that they are propelled to know more about the movie’s history. But even when the story might have happened in real life, movies like Scorsese’s Casino sometimes twist the story for dramatic effect and compress it to become watchable in one sitting.
It is just more exciting to watch a movie about individuals who risk their lives to achieve their agendas-especially when the film is based on real-life events. Not because they love violence, but because the audience is just drawn to these fearless characters. Hollywood has a thing for mobsters and we have a thing for online casinos.